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“I’m not quiet, I’m just in my head a lot.”

People have always told me that I am an introverted person. As a child I was not, but as time progressed, I became more and more introverted. And it was not due to any traumatic events, it came as a result of being in my head so much. I started to conjure up so many ideas and ways in which I could become successful. Then, then more I got into my head, the more I became detached from so many people. And when I say detached, I don’t mean detached in a way where I have lost my sense of humanity. But I mean detached as it pertains to connecting to so many people in my age demographic. The way in which I started to see the world around me changed as well as my interests. I went from looking at life so much one sided, to now having a more balanced view of the world.

So, then if I am so learned and so well traversed, then why do people think I am so introverted. Well, I am introverted during conversations that are not based in substance. In social situations where people are discussing something that does not pertain to something in depth, it’s tough for me. But when having to explain something that is more in depth, I tend to be comfortable. And it’s unfortunate that you get these labels when you are not as social. But the introvert does play a role in themselves being portrayed a certain way. Because you can’t shy away from people and then ask why do they view you a certain way. Because as we all know, first impressions are very important. And I know me myself, I give off bad first impressions. So if you meet me, you have to be around me for quite a while to develop and understanding of me.

Now what’s interesting is that the introverts are so successful a lot of times. Well, how could that be? The reason being that if you are always in thought, you are generally working out problems in your head. You’re not panicking as much, and you learn to deal with more issues as they come. You also learn to embrace the changes in life because you look at life from such a realistic perspective. So when people see you, and they can’t understand why you are so quiet, little do they know you are probably working out a major issue. And it does not have to be your own personal issue. You could have the key to fixing a problem in our society that no one else has found. Then once you find out, everyone is in shock because they assume you lack knowledge because you’re so quiet. When in reality, your silence keeps you listening, and you’re able to detect problems and fix them quicker.

And in the end, the socially awkward, the misfits, the introverted, the weirdo, the unknown; might ultimately be the true success. You can’t assume that people are not in the moment because they are not talking. They might be more in the moment than you are because their senses are heightened. They hear, taste, see, and touch everything; and can state in grave detail what it is they see. (PERSONAL WEBSITE) (FAN PAGE)   

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@2320howe Twitter

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