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“The exodus within a civilization.”

In the future to come, we know that the United States will take on a major cultural shift. But what about the geographical shift that will take hold. Over the next few decades we’re going to see the country move in a direction that is in more alignment with our major cities getting bigger and the small cities and towns shrinking. The reason being is that younger generation are leaving small towns and older generations are dying.  So places with populations like New York City with a metropolitan population of close to 30 million people could see itself rising to as much as 60 – 70 million people. This will cause the wealth will be highly centralized in these bigger cities. Places like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, Miami, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Houston, and Washington D.C. could be our new mega cities. Cities that will be nothing but high rises.

But on the other hand, what could this do to the social landscape of America? In New York city, there are so many people of so many different ethnic, cultural, and religious backgrounds, people tend to have conflict. It’s easy to say diversity, but with diversity comes so many other challenges. And not to mention the educational aspects of how America will shift. These universities that consist of 30,000; 40,000; and some 50,000 students could climb into the six figure range. And with the cost of college increasing, maybe in some of these mega cities the cost could decline because of the highly populated numbers already bringing money into institutions. Or , the fact that mega cities exist might make people want to go into the smaller areas for college. There are other issues associated with these mega cities as well.

Well, crime for starters; on top of the already criminal element in these major cities. You will see people moving in that are new to the cities, who want to establish themselves in the criminal underworld. So now there will be an influx of law enforcement because we could see the criminals coming into the landscape. And on top of that, the poverty could increase because with technology moving to scale, now you have a less need for human labor. Coincidentally, this is an aspect of life prompting people to move to major cities in the beginning. Now that people are already here, there is this new element of poverty. So people will basically leave poverty in search of a better life, ending up in even worse poverty. But with all the problems, what would be the benefits of having these major mega cities, a lot.

In the end, there are a lot; a whole lot of opportunities to utilize land more. In America, with these mega cities, you will have more room for growth of crops for harvest because so much American land is not utilized. We could see ourselves becoming exporters once again. We could also see these major cities as a way to monitor more of what is going on in our country. With so many citizens living in one area, and fewer outside, then the ability to contain major problems is efficient. Also, with so many people in one area you’re getting the best of everyone, creating more innovative ideas, which could ultimately grow the country at a much higher scale than now. (PERSONAL WEBSITE) (FAN PAGE)   

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