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“I shouldn’t have.”

i flubbed up

Pursuing the career you have always wanted and then it happens. You settle into the job and realize something quite depressing. That after all these years of building, you have finally arrived and now you feel as if you have made a career move that wasn’t in your best interest. How do you restart because at this point a lot of people just plow through it. Even if it is something they truly don’t want to do in life, they just stick it out. But what happens when you want to stop doing the thing you thought you really loved? Hopefully you are doing something that is easier to walk away from that is not too professional.

not that easy

Changing your career is not that simple when you work a professional job like a doctor or an attorney. Yes it’s been done before, Actor Ken Jeong (dentist) and author John Grisham (attorney). But notice it takes a very long long time because taking on these roles are totally different because they are specialized positions. And leaving a specialized position for a role in another field especially when you are of a certain age is tough. Comedian Joy Behar was nearly 40 years of age when she started in comedy. You have to give it up to people like that because trying something new middle age is tough because you are so set in your ways.

where do you go from here

Now that you know you have made the wrong decision, where to next? See, it’s easy to say , well you know what, I want to be a painter. How do you transition from being a pharmacist to a painter full time? Oh, and my I add, making a living? This is where so many people give up on the dream because they just are so used to living their current lifestyle, they are not starting over from scratch. So how do you get started? Most people who make the transition keep their days jobs. They work during the day and do their task at night. This way, over time they build up enough credibility to transition over. Yet even then it’s tough, because even though you love your dream, we like being secure as well.

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