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“What is your success regimen?”

Some of us think about a daily regimen as getting up going to work each and every day. But what about how we go about attaining our success in the world. Successful people all have a regimen, and it is very stringent to their daily lives. It may consist of them performing a certain action or eating certain foods to start your day. Others include a workout in the morning or a verbal ritual. I myself have a daily routine that consists of me keeping in line with my daily success. I usually take the same route to and from work everyday. I even keep the same songs in rotation on my phone. Why is this important to have a routine everyday?

People who typically have a daily routine to keep themselves on track are more focused because they have this ritual. When you have this routine that leads you into your day of work, it makes your work more important and creates a sense of urgency. Well why does it create urgency? It’s because once you do the same thing over and over again, with more and more consistency each time, you start to develop success from this. In addition, you are not thinking also about the time that is passing because you’re so into your work.

Are there any reasons besides keeping in line with success for why you would have a daily routine. Another reason is that some people need a routine as it pertains to their stability as well. A stable person is someone who has a sustainable routine that keeps them mentally straight. And it’s that mental focus that puts them on the path to the success. So, where does it come from? Is there a certain group of people out there who share this trait? Where does this spark to have a daily routine toward success come from? In the end, we all have something we perform on a daily basis to get us charged in the morning. Whatever gets you started on your day is up to you, just as long as the end result is your success.


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